
My numerology report for 2007


Igual que l'any passat, una amiga murmusiana m'ha fet un pronòstic numerològic (toma ya!) per l'any que ve:

That's a 3 year!

This is a year of emotional self-expression through creative endeavors, fun, and love. This is also a time of celebration, and you are likely to want more fun out of life. Your creative energies will flow, allowing you to express yourself more fully and freely. It is also a time for falling in love, and your cheerful optimism will help you fulfill your need for love and joy. You may also be expanding your social circle. However, guard against jealousy, worry, indecision, and scattering your energy. Number 3 also indicates a year for creativity and expansion: having a baby; traveling for pleasure; bringing art, music, and culture into your home; making your house more pleasant. Social outings, visits to the theater, art exhibitions, or family gatherings and entertaining at home are likely to be the sorts of things you want or need this year. If you want to express yourself artistically, this an excellent time to undertake a hobby or crative pursuit you have always secretly wanted to try, auch as amateur dramatics, painting, dancing, singing, or writing. Be confident, try new projects, and remember to have fun. The most rewarding experiences a number 3 year can offer are learning about the joys of life and experiencing emotional growth.

Quina por lo de "having a baby" i lo bé que hagués quedat "making babies" ... Pos a ver qué pasa!? ...


Anonymous said...

Doncs si eh, having a babies sense making babies. Potser la josefa...

Bueno jo espero que el proper any facin més capitols de futuramas i pugui fer molts makings babies fins que s'esvaeixi l'alivido..

Anonymous said...

conxu! ara m'he perdut: què tenen a veure els Futuramas (mai millor que els Simpson) amb la livido?! Quin dels personatges et posa?! Tio, ets un malalt!!!

Anonymous said...

A mi em posa el Bender, el coneixes? M'encanta les sortides que té, es com el house però de metall. Clar que qualsevol es gracios amb 'n' guionistes al darrera. Parlant de House, esta fent coses a més a més de la serie, com escriure un llibre, ... No sé si potser vaig equivocat i es aixi d'enginyos.

Anonymous said...

no fotis?! Òsti ... quina por de llibre!!! I el llibre aquest no l'escriuen els guionistes?! Buino, l'escriu com a House o com a persona humana? ... buino no siguem prejudiciosos i li donarem una oportunitat ... :S