Vamos, no és que cregui massa en aquestes cosilles, però em consta que no sóc l'única que recorre a qualsevol tipus d'horòscop quan canviem d'any. Així que aquest és el meu pronòstic numerològic (cosa que no sabia ni que existia) que em va fer una amiga ...
From Maddikins:
Your year number is 2.
This is a year of relationships, cooperation, and patience. You are likely to extend your social circle and meet people from a different scene. Learning to be a peacemaker may increase your chances of developing long-lasting relationships or particular partnerships. You may also come across someone who will be a real challenge to you. Do ont be put off, as this person has something worthwhile to teach you if you keep an open mind and retain a positive approach. Learning to make agreements, stay balanced and diplomatic, and develop communications is possible for you during this year. This is generally a year for improving yourself through self-awareness, and you may learn much about yourself by the way you relate to other people. A number 2 year offers the experience of staying in good company and forming new partnerships that are based on sincerity, while retaining freedom or independence and helping others while you help yourself.
And your holistic number is 9.
The number 9 dynamic is the collective or universal. The positive attributes of the number 9 are compassion, tolerance, patience, integrity, sensitivity, and humanitarianism. Number 9 individuals are usually magnetic and charismatic, with perceptive minds and psychic abilities that point to a universal receptivity. If your holistic number is 9, you are usually generous and intuitive, with strong premonitions. Idealistic and impressionable, as a number 9 you usually have foresight and judge life by your feelings and receptivity. This sense of prophetic wisdom implies that as a number 9, you can possess inner wisdom and heightened awareness. Although you can be generous and compassionate, with a great imagination, you may become disillusioned or emotionally frustrated when you or others fail to reach your high expectations. This can result in fluctuating moods or a tendency to indulge in escapism. As a number 9, you need to find inner contentment and avoid losing heart or descending into the depths of melancholy. You may also have to develop understanding, tolerance, and patience as well as learning to become impersonal. As a holistic number 9, you may be destined to be of service to others or contribute to the betterment of humankind. Being universal, you are likely to benefit greatly from world travel and from interacting with people from all walks of life. A need to overcome challenges and a tendency to be oversensitive suggest that you benefit from remaining balanced and avoiding unrealistic dreams. The combination of inspiration and idealism with an intense inner life and vivid dreams suggests that you may be happiest seeking a spiritual path.
The challenges for number 9 are nervousness, selfishness, stubbornness, impracticality, being easily led, having an inferiority complex, and worry.
Ja us diré si es compleix ...
My numerology report for 2006
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Capitán Festa y los Matones de la Noche 12/31
Aquest any, tot i acabar-me el raïm, he decidit no fer-me cap propòsit, que després no es compleixen i ja hi som! A veure com ens sorprèn el 2006 ... I aquí van algunes fotillos de cap d'any ... Vem començar l'any entre Matadepera i el Born i el vem començar bé! Com vem acabar la nit ja és una altra cosa ;) ... Ens vem sentir com a casa: netejant gots i arrassant la nevera ... Por Tugal! ... carallo, to, llevataps ... Zipi i Zape amb el senyor Llevataps per conmemorar el moment de la nit!!! Ell va ser el més modat de la festa ... Zipi i Zape resistint el què faci falta ... que passen els anys, però seguim sent esperits joves (més jo!). On estarem el 2007?!
I després que ens fessin fora de l'antro i donar les gràcies (nosaltres molt educats!), pos vem anar al primer local que vem trobar (just sota l'escala) ... Selected and co. en un moment de manifestació d'amistat :S Segur que va ser cosa del Sin City a les parets del Flow que va fer que més d'un es posés tendre!!!
Jordi, guarda el barret que mai se sap quan el podrem tornar a necessitar ... I com diria una diva: ... don't move your chair anymore, collons! ...
Enga, Bon any a tots!
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